Showing posts with label monthly meetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly meetings. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Agenda for the monthly meeting of July 27, 2016

For July 27, 2016: 6:30 PM PST

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
702.347.1731 / Nevadacure[@]

Conference Call Number and Code:
712-432- 0926
Code: 493815#

Click here for the WORD-version

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new members/guests.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Open comments by members and guests.

5. Issues to be discussed at meeting:

  a. Purchase of House on Santa Rita - Halfway House for Women (Travis)

  b. Purchase House Headquarters and Halfway House for Women (John)

  c. 8/31/16 ACAJ Meeting and NV-CURE Presentation (John)

  d. Printer/Scanner Fixed (John)

  e. Computer Donations - Sharnel and Natalie (Natalie)

  f. Bank Account - Secured Credit Card (John)

  g. Prisoner Mail - Don and Tracy (Don)

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7. Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting August 31, 2016)

We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to
attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled.  We want all members to
participate in the process.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Agenda for the Monthly Meeting of 29th of June 2016

You can find the Agenda for our Monthly Nevada Cure Meeting here.

Location details:


For June 29th, 2016, at 6:30 PM

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC

Meeting Location:

Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel.: 702.347.1731

Conference Call Number and Code:

Code: 493815#

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Agenda for the Monthly Meeting of March 30, 2016


For March 30, 2016: 6:30 PM PST
Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC

Meeting Location:

Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel.: 702.347.1731

Conference Call Number and Code:

Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new members/guests.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Open comments by members and guests.

5. Issues to be discussed at meeting:

  a. Appointment of William O’Connell as Mailing Handler. (John and William)

  b. ESP Book Drive (John. William, Laurie)

  c. Status of Hep C Class Action (Alexis)

  d. NV-ACLU medical and solitary confinement action. (John)

  e. Report on Fundraising (Greg)

  f. Investor - Headquarters House (John)

  g. Person(s) to Answer Mail (John)

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7. Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting April 27 or 20, 2016)

8. Adjourn meeting.


We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to
attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled. We want all members to
participate in the process.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Nevada Cure Monthly Meeting Agenda January 27 2016

For January 27, 2016 at 6:30 PM PST

Meeting Location
Conference Room
Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel.: 702.347.1731

Conference Call Number and Code:
Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:



We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to
attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled. We want all members to
participate in the process.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Monthy Meeting Agenda for November 18th

For November 18, 2015: 6:30 PM PST

Meeting Location
Conference Room
Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel.: 702.347.1731

Conference Call Number and Code:
Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new members/guests.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Open comments by members and guests.

5. Issues to be discussed at meeting:

  a. CURE International Special Meeting Report (John)

  b. Fundraising Report (Rich)

  c. Hep C Case Report (Alexis)

  d. Resource Booklet Report (Chris)

  e. Newsletter Report (Greg and John)

  f. ESP Book Drive (John)

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7. Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting January 27, 2016)

8. Adjourn meeting.


We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to
attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled. We want all members to
participate in the process.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Our Monthly Meetings in November, December and January

The November 2015 Meeting of NV-CURE will be held on 11/18/15

There will NOT be a NV-CURE Meeting in December of 2015.

The January 2016 Meeting of NV-CURE will be held on 1/27/16.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Agenda for the Monthly Meeting of August 26th 2015

For August 26, 2015 : 6:30 PM PST

Meeting Location
Conference Room
Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV  89104

Conference Call Number and Code
Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new members/guests.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4.  Open comments by members and guests.

5.   Issues to be discussed at meeting:
                        a. NV-CURE Pay to President discussion and vote. (John)
                        b. Denial of Travel Pass and Need for Attorney. (John)
                        c. Bus passes for parolees. (John)
                        d. Medical and Hep C cases strategy (John)
                        e. Videos - Recidivism and Legislature  (John)
                        f. Update on Release Package Booklet (Chris)
                        g. Update on NV-CURE halfway house (Rich)

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7.  Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting September 30, 2015)

8.  Adjourn meeting.

We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled. 
We want all members to participate in the process. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Agenda of the Monthly Meeting Agenda for July 29th


For July 29, 2015 : 6:30 PM PST

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV  89104

Tel. 702.347.1731


Conference Call Number and Code:


Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new members/guests.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4.  Open comments by members and guests.

5.   Issues to be discussed at meeting:

  a. Report by Craig on Videos (Craig)

  b. Report by Richard on Advertisers (Richard)

  c. Report by Chris on Release Info Booklet (Chris)

  d. Report by John on Hep C litigation (John)

  e. Report by Diana on Mail Scannng (Diana)

  f.  Report by Sharnel on Complaint Logging (Sharnel)

6.   Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7.   Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting August 26, 2015)

8.  Adjourn meeting.

We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled.  We want all members to participate in the process.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Agenda for Monthly Meeting on May 27th


For May 27, 2015 : 6:30 PM PST
Meeting Location:

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel: 702.347.1731

Conference Call Number and Code:

Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new members/guests.

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Open comments by members and guests.

5. Issues to be discussed at meeting:

  a. Add Space and Pricing, Decide Prices (Craig)

  b. Nominations for NV-CURE Board of Directors (John)

  c. Vote on Removal of Mo as Fundraising Chair (John)

  d. Fundraising Chair Nomination - Anyone Interested (John)

  e. CURE October Meeting - Fund Authorization (John)

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7. Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting June 24, 2015)

8. Adjourn meeting.


We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled. We want all members to participate in the process.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Nevada-Cure Monthly Meeting Agenda March 25th

Our Monthly Meeting is on March 25th, our apologies for the late announcement.

Here is the Agenda:

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:


For March 25, 2015 : 6:30 PM PST

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
Meeting Location, Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Tel: 702.347.1731 - Email: - Website:

Conference Call Number and Code: 712-432-0926
Code: 493815#

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new

2. Approval of Agenda. (Agenda is late. Any objection to less than 10 day notice).

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Open comments by members and guests.

5. Issues to be discussed at meeting:

    a. Election Procedures for Board of Directors - June 2015

    b. Update on medical issues. (Weisner)

    c. Advertising in Newsletter (Greg).

    d. Meeting With Senator Bower on Ombudsman Bill SB 279 (John)

    e. CA PACT (Parole and Community Team) (John)

    f. Update on Relocation (John and Natalie)

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7. Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting April 28, 2015)

8. Adjourn meeting.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Agenda for Monthly Meeting of Nevada-Cure

The next Monthly Meeting will be on Feb. 25th, at 6:30 PM.

Meeting Location:

Conference Room
Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel.: 702.347.1731

If you cannot make it to the meeting, please call the Conference Call Number and Code to attend at distance:


Code: 493815#

You can view the Agenda by clicking here.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Agenda for the Nevada Cure-Meeting of Jan. 28, 2015

This is the Agenda for the Monthly Meeting of Nevada Cure on Jan. 28th 2015:

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC


For January 28, 2015 : 6:30 PM PST

Meeting Location

Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104


Conference Call Number and Code:

Code: 493815#

The following is the Agenda for NV-CURE Monthly Meeting:

1. Identification of Members and Guests present at meeting and introduction of new

2. Approval of Agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting.

4. Open comments by members and guests.

5. Issues to be discussed at meeting:

continue as NV-CURE Treasurer. (John).

violations and retaliation. (Myra).

a. Discussion on Board of Directors of NV-CURE - duties and responsibilities.

b. Director Vote on removal of Greg MacWilliams as Director. (John)

c. Vote on appointment of Diana Henderson as Director pending next election.

d. Consent of Director by Michelle Revell to resign position as Director and

e. Vote on appointment of Sharnel Silvey as Director pending next election.

f. Over Use of Admin. Seg. for investigations and using ESP transfer for minor

g. State Boards of Medical Examiners, Nursing and Social Workers - use

h. Report by Fundraising Chair Maureen Mercer on activities.

6. Suggestions and recommendations for acts to be performed before next meeting.

7. Set date, time and place for next meeting. (Next Meeting February 25, 2015)

We welcome the participation of all Nevada CURE Members/Supporters and invite all to attend any monthly NV-CURE meetings that may be scheduled. We want all members to participate in the process.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monthly Meeting Agenda Oct. 29th 2014

The agenda for the Monthly Meeting on Oct. 29th, 2014 can be found here.

Meeting Location:

Conference Room
Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV  89104
702.347.1731 -

Conference Call Number and Code:
Code: 493815#

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Agenda August 27th, 2014 Monthly Meeting

MONTHLY MEETING AGENDA for August 27, 2014 : 6:30 PM PST

Law Office of Gallian, Welker & Beckstrom, LC
Conference Room
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Tel.: 702.347.1731


Conference Call Number and Code:
Code: 493815#

Click here to view the Agenda.

Nevada-Cure News and Articles
