be advised that the Nevada Chapter of National CURE has been
reactivated. We are currently actively recruiting prisoners, their
families, their friends and prisoner rights supporters to join us in a
concentrated effort to change the Nevada prison and parole systems. We
need your help. Working together, instead of at cross purposes, we can
change the way our government treats our errants. Please join our
cause. Working together we can make constructive changes to the
The prison system MUST BE REQUIRED to provide to all prisoners:
adequate medical care, food, clothing and housing; rehabilitative
educational, vocational and programming activities; and with respect for
their constructive activities on behalf of other prisoners and
The parole
system MUST BE ELIMINATED - OR REQUIRED: to provide full and fair
hearings on parole application; to permit an applicant to review any
and all information that will be considered by the Board in deciding a
application; to
confront and cross examine each and every person that has contacted the
Board in opposition of a parole application; and to comply with all
requirements of Open Meeting Law or, alternatively, the Contested Case
requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act.
Working together, jointly, and in solidarity, we can change the way
the systems operate. By our concerted activities, we may demand the
changes required through our legislative, judicial and support
initiatives; by our votes in each election; and by o& reporting and
demanding the removal from office all of the “tough on crime”
bureaucrats that abuse their positions of power.
Join NV-CURE and help us change the prison and parole systems. We need
you to become involved and help us to help those that depend upon us
to secure for them their basic human rights.
Struggle in Solidarity,
NV-CURE Board of Directors
July 27th, 2011
John Witherow
Anthony Villa
Travis Barrick
Laurie Reilly-Johnson
Michelle Ravell
Pat Hines
Benjamin Zvenia
Board of Directors
(Citizens United For The Rehabilitation Of Errants)
540 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89 1 04
nevadacure @ gmail .com
- Home
- About Nevada-Cure
- What you can do
- Watch our Videos
- NV Cure Flyer
- Informational Bulletin Nevada-Cure
- Agenda for the Monthly Meeting
- Monthly Meeting Minutes and Reports
- Meet the Members of the Nevada Cure Board of Directors
- Nevada Prisoner Abuse Documentation
- Letters and Stories from NV Prisoners

Nevada Cure Resource Booklet 2016
Here you can download the 2016 Resource Guide for Nevada Prisoners. Please share this with a friend or loved one inside, thank you.

Nevada-Cure News and Articles