Deputy Director of NDOC denies solitary confinement torture at Ely State Prison - ACLU and Nevada Cure know better

Here is the video/audio recording of E.K. McDaniel, Deputy Director of NDOC stating, “We do not have solitary confinement in the Nevada Department of Corrections.” He said this during the Public meeting of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (ACAJ) on 03/05/2014.

The ACLU starts the segment on solitary with a very good expert psychiatrist. This is at the very beginning of segment Xl, and it’s worth listening to.

Then McDaniel starts his manipulation of the ACAJ at 6:05:33 and almost immediately says the above quote and then launches into all the luxuries and benefits of “segregation units”. Not solitary confinement, though. We don’t have that.

03/05/2014 Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (2650) - Room 3137 - Mar 5th, 2014.